Frequently Asked Questions


APC Professional Programme 2024: General Information

1.1. Is EPC accredited by SAICA?

A: Yes, EPC was accredited by SAICA in April 2020 to offer an APC Professional Programme.

1.2. What does the accreditation of EPC mean?

A: The accreditation is an affirmation of the team’s capability to deliver a high-quality professional programme to prospective candidates seeking to sit for the APC. It also grants EPC the right to issue candidates with certificates of eligibility that are valid for three years from issue.

1.3. Does the accreditation mean that I can register my BCTA and CTA directly with Endunamoo?

A: No, EPC is only accredited to deliver an APC Professional Programme. The sister company, Endunamoo School of Accounting, is not a SAICA accredited institution but instead only offers support courses to distance learning candidates – therefore candidates are required to first register with a SAICA accredited higher education institution and only register with Endunamoo for support courses in the form of lecturing and tutorial programmes. Furthermore, Endunamoo Board Course offers ITC preparatory courses that do not require accreditation from SAICA.

1.4. I am pursuing the CA qualification through the traditional route (i.e., degree, PGDA/CTA, ITC, training and APC). What are the minimum requirements to enrol into the APC Professional Programme and secure the certificate of eligibility at the end of the programme?

A: In terms of the SAICA APC Regulations, for a candidate to be eligible for entry into the APC, a candidate must have passed the ITC; and completed a minimum of 20 months under a registered training contract with a SAICA accredited training office (the 20 month-period is calculated up to the day before the actual assessment is written); and successfully completed a professional programme.

Our APC Professional Programme is extremely demanding and as a result, we have set an additional requirement that candidates need to have successfully completed ITC by 31 March 2024 to enrol or remain enrolled into the professional programme. Consequently, candidates that are expecting to sit for the ITC assessment in June 2024 will not be eligible to register and qualify for an EPC Certificate in the 2024 academic year.

1.5. I am pursuing the CA qualification through the CIMA2CA Pathway route (i.e. CIMA qualification and APC). What are the minimum requirements to enrol into the APC Professional Programme and secure the certificate of eligibility at the end of the programme?

To be eligible to register for the EPC APC Professional Programme, candidates need to be in possession of A SAICA Letter confirming that they qualify to register into the APC Professional Programme. To obtain the SAICA Letter, prospective candidates must provide SAICA with:

  • Letter of Good Standing from CIMA indicating that s/he gained registration with CIMA by completing the education, examination and practical experience requirements as prescribed by CIMA; AND
  • Proof that s/he is a graduate i.e. (i) a holder of at least a Bachelor’s degree which is registered on Level 7 of the NQF, takes a minimum of 3 years to complete and comprises at least 360 credits or (ii) a holder of a foreign academic qualification which is assessed by SAQA as equivalent to a South African Bachelor’s degree which is registered on Level 7 of the NQF, takes a minimum of 3 years to complete and comprises at least 360 credits.

Additionally, candidates need to demonstrate professional competence by the time they exit our professional programme by achieving an outcome of ‘competent’ or ‘highly competent’ in two of the four case studies that will be facilitated during the programme.

1.6. What course material is provided during the professional programme?

A: It is noteworthy that this is not a technical course but rather a professional development programme. Therefore, our approach to course material is different to what candidates would have experienced in CTA and ITC. The course material will, as a minimum, include the business writing workshop material, discussion material for each phase, milestone assignments (individual and group) and case-study based assessments. All the discussion material in our contact sessions will be provided on an online basis. Notwithstanding this, we do supply an EPC branded (empty) research file to assist with compiling your research for the case study assessments. This is couriered to any South African based address for no additional cost.

1.7. Is the APC Professional Programme offered on a face to face or online basis?

A: The programme is offered on both hybrid (face to face sessions and live streamed through MS Teams) and online-only (MS Teams) basis. The nature of the delivery method will be indicated on the timetable, and where the timetable is silent, the contact session will be delivered via Ms Teams only. The programme is delivered via a combination of live streaming of the scheduled contact sessions, pre-recorded sessions, and screencasts. All the videos are accessible via our learning portal.

1.8. Where will the formal case study assessments be held?

A: All the assessments in the APC Professional Programme are facilitated on a venue basis. The list of available venues in your region will be advised by 15 June 2024.

1.9. How long does it take to get a response from the support and professional team?

A: During working hours, we strive to respond to all admin related queries within 90 minutes. After working hours, the response might be delayed until working hours are resumed. With regards to technical queries, candidates are requested to allow a maximum of 2 business days for a response from the time of posting their query on WhatsApp groups and 3 business days response time for queries logged via the Query Tool.

Our office hours are:
Monday – Friday: 09h00 – 18h00
Saturday: 08h00 – 13h00 (during registration period)

1.10. I would like to consult with one of the members of the professional team, what is the process?

A: We have developed booking forms through MS Forms to help facilitate this process, the tool is accessible via the Portal >> My Courses >> Consultation.

1.11. Apart from offering me access to the ITC videos, how else does EPC help me with keeping me updated with my technical knowledge?

A: All our EPC candidates are given preference when we select our marking teams for CTA and ITC assessments as part of their developmental journey. Candidates that are interested in becoming markers are advised to engage our contractors page available on

1.12.  How is the APC Professional Programme structured?

A: The APC Professional Programme is structured in the following:

Outline Description
Foundation Phase Foundation of Professional Competence               (January – March 2024) This phase focuses on developing technical proficiency that would have been developed in the academic programme (CTA) and demonstrated in the ITC assessment within the context of the APC. In the APC, technical proficiency is a foundation skill upon which the professional programme builds pervasive and professional skills on. The objective of the Foundation Phase is to upskill you technically to ensure that you can demonstrate this skill in case-based assessments later in the programme and to enable ease in the development of pervasive and professional competencies (e.g., ethical leadership, critical skill, business acumen, decision making, business writing and professional attitudes and values) later in the programme.
Development Phase Development of Professional Competence       (April 2024) The purpose of the Development Phase is to understand and develop the pervasive and professional competencies outlined in the competency framework to enable you to demonstrate these competencies in tackling a multi-disciplinary case study during the Demonstration Phase of the professional programme. There are sessions scheduled for the development of business acumen, critical thinking, ethical leadership and incorporating technical competence in the APC.
Demonstration Phase Demonstration of Professional Competence     (May – June 2024) The purpose of the Demonstration Phase is to learn how to demonstrate the professional competencies developed in the previous phase using a multi-disciplinary case study in the form of a previous SAICA APC case study. In addition, there are sessions scheduled for the development of effective communication skills and to build relational acumen (coaching support, working as an effective team and mentorship).
Assessment Phase Assessment of Professional Development           (June – November 2024) The Assessment Phase, the last phase in the professional programme, focuses on assessing candidates’ professional competence through case study assessments. The professional programme has three (3) case study assessments: 1) baseline assessment, 2) final case study and 3) a supplementary assessment, and you are required to demonstrate competence in the final case study assessment and at least borderline competence in the baseline case study assessment prior to being eligible for the award of the EPC certificate. The facilitation of our case study assessments is aligned to the actual APC structure to help you gear to the actual APC. Significant support is provided throughout the phase using reflection packs, feedback session, significant personalised feedback and consultations.

1.13. What time do classes start?

A: Most of the sessions are held over the weekend, especially on Saturdays from 08h00 to 13h00. The occasional evening sessions commence at 18h00 and finish at 21h00. Our case study sittings are from 09h00 to 17h00. You can access the detailed timetable on the login / profile page after you have successfully logged into our portal.

1.14. What additional material can I consult to have a better appreciation of the APC assessment?

A: We have made available to you the 2023 SAICA’s APC regulations as well as APC Competency Framework for your consumption. Notwithstanding that revised version of these documents will be released closer to the APC November / December 2024 assessment; we are confident that these documents will provide you with a better understanding of the APC assessment process and we therefore urge you to read them thoroughly and consult them on a regular basis during the programme. A lot of the information contained therein is also covered in our discussions during the ‘Development Phase and Demonstration Phase of the programme.

1.15.  I am based outside South Africa (specifically based in either Namibia, Swaziland, or Zimbabwe) and I would like to understand how will the programme be adapted to suit the laws, regulations, and economic context in my home country?

A: All our case study assessments are developed within a South African context with the laws, regulations and economic context relevant to and applying to South Africa. In addition, we also adapt our assessments to make them suitable to the Zimbabwean context. The adaptation also means that the specimen solutions to the Zimbabwe case study assessment will be based on the laws and regulations (including the Income Tax Act and Companies Act) applicable in Zimbabwe.

However, the Namibian and Eswatini candidates that will be writing the assessment administered by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants of Namibia and Swaziland respectively can use the economic, political, technological, legal, and sociological contexts applicable in their respective countries.

1.16. What additional material can I consult to have a better appreciation of the APC assessment?

A: We cannot confirm this information at this point. Notwithstanding the above, it is our intention to relaunch our face-to-face programme on a phased basis. This means that we will not be able to immediately launch face-to-face contact sessions for all the regions in South Africa. In 2024, we may have some of the sessions in the timetable held on hybrid at our Midrand campus. We will consider other regions at a later point.

1.17. Does Endunamoo currently have a campus / office and are candidates allowed to use the premises?

A: Yes, any candidate wishing to use the venue for the purposes of studying, discussion or mentor meetings is required to book a space via our online booking form. The form is available on the portal under My Forms, and it is called Book a Room.

APC Professional Programme 2024: Mentorship

2.1. Is the mentorship programme a compulsory part of the APC Professional Programme?

A: The Mentorship Programme is vital to the overall success of all our candidates, especially in EPC. The professional team of mentors are crucial in the development of outside the classroom professional skills such as business acumen, critical thinking and ethical leadership. They also assist in providing a personalised programme for the candidates during the after-assessment review engagements and providing support for effective team engagements. Therefore, we require all our candidates to show an active commitment in this programme. We will make all reasonable attempts to ensure that they are sufficient mentors to meet the requirements of the mentorship programme.

2.2. When will the mentorship programme commence and how do I enrol?

A: The mentorship programme will start at the end of the Foundation Phase with the first step being to complete the KMB enrolment form and share personal and professional particulars to be included in your mentee profile. The information to be included in the mentee profile will be shared with your mentor once the allocation is completed.

2.3. How often am I supposed to engage with my mentor?

A: In the mentorship welcome note we prescribe six sessions that each candidate (mentee) needs to at least
have with their mentors. We provide guidance and support to mentors before those prescribed sessions to
ensure that the mentorship programme meets a minimum standard of effectiveness. Outside those sessions,
you and your mentor can set up sessions that suits both your schedules, this can be as often as you require based on both your availability.

2.4. What is the structure of the mentorship programme in 2024?

A: In our efforts to improve the effectiveness of the mentorship programme to you, we provide you with a
mentorship welcome note wherein we have provided a comprehensive guidance of your mentorship
engagements in a form of an agenda. The guidance only covers the agenda for the five primary sessions in the
mentorship programme, namely:

  • Mentor-mentee engagement & ice breaking.
  • Reflection on the Development Phase.
  • Reflection on the Demonstration Phase; and
  • Reflection on the two primary case studies.
    The schedule is meant to assist and provide structure and further guidance on the objectives of these primary
    sessions. It also includes recommended periods in which these sessions should be held to ensure their optimal
    impact on your engagements.

2.5. I have a mentor outside the EPC programme and I would like for them to mentor me at Endunamoo what is the process?

A: If you have a mentor at work and they would like to furthermore assist with mentoring you through the
Endunamoo mentorship programme they can simply apply using the contractor enrolment form available on
our website.

2.6. How am I paired with a mentor?

A: We are not responsible for the pairing process, it is you who gets to select your preferred mentor. This is
because we believe that the mentorship is your personal journey and want to give you that opportunity to select
a mentor that you believe will be most suitable for you after having reviewed their profile on a high level and on
an anonymous basis. We however provide a brief guidance on what to look for when considering your preferred

2.7. Is there a mentorship plan that briefs me on how the mentorship programme will run and what to expect from my mentor?

A: Our mentors go through a training session at the beginning of the year before the programme allocations
are finalised, to outline the assistance to offer their mentees. Your allocated mentor will engage with you on
the first session which is expected to be in May 2024 to put down how your sessions can be arranged based on
the EPC programme structure.

2.8. How are the mentors empowered by the EPC Team to ensure the effectiveness of the programme?

A: Our mentors have diverse backgrounds, in terms of professional, academic and personal experiences, and
we encourage them to bring that into the programme for your professional and personal development.
However, to ensure those experiences are shared in a structured and effective manner, we provide training to
all new mentors before the mentorship programme kicks off. In addition, we issue them with a welcome note
that outlines the expectations from them as well as the profile of the mentees.
Once the programme has kicked off, we issue mentors with phase notes for them to understand the
deliverables and objectives of each phase – thereby enhancing their ability to meaningfully engage with you
during the mentorship sessions.
Once the assessment phase kicks off, we provide mentorship notes which include an abridged case study and
access to the full case study package. After the marking for the respective case study is completed, we host a
mentorship feedback session where we provide an update on the candidates’ performance, including key
insights, developmental areas and discuss and develop strategies with the mentors to assist mentees in
addressing those developmental areas.
We further prioritise the mentors in selecting markers for the assessments, which enhances their understanding
of the evaluation of professional competence. This is also expected to enhance their ability to meaningfully
engage with you during the mentorship sessions as well as share insights with other mentors during the
mentorship feedback sessions.

APC Professional Programme 2024: Registration & Programme Information

3.1. How do I process the registration?

A: All registrations are done on our website. You can access the link directly from here or via the Endunamoo
website,, and clicking the ‘Register’ button. We follow a two-step registration process
where candidates are first required to register an online profile on our portal and once registered are required
to proceed to enrol into the APC course of their choice. Enrolment into the programme is done by clicking ‘Add
Course’ on the navigation menu once logged in and following the screen prompts and guidance. Should you
encounter any problem, please contact one of our friendly caretakers or the online controller, using the contact
details available under ‘Contact Us’.

3.2. I was previously registered with Endunamoo for CTA Support Course and/or ITC Preparatory Course, do I need a new online profile to be enrolled into the APC Professional Programme?

A: No, candidates will continue to use their existing online profiles and do not need to register new profiles,
however candidates will still be required to purchase the course of their choice via this link place an order and an invoice will be sent to their registered emails.

3.3. How many course offerings will EPC’s APC Professional Programme have in 2024 and how do I know
which one is right for me?

A: We have three professional course offerings that will be running as part of our APC Professional Programme
as follows:

  • APC Comprehensive Course: This course is generally designed for all candidates that are wishing to start
    the programme earlier. It is an early starter programme for those candidates looking for an extended
    period for development of professional competence. It can be anyone, including candidates that were not
    successful in the EPC Professional Programme, passed their ITC June, CIMA members, candidates that
    were enrolled with another PPP but unfortunately did not acquire a certificate of eligibility, candidates that
    were eligible to sit for APC in the previous year but chose not to write and candidates that will be eligible
    to write the APC assessment in the current year but would like to start with familiarising themselves with
    the foundations of professional competence (e.g. passed ITC in January last year). The course starts in
  • APC Repeaters Course: This course is designed for candidates that sat for the APC assessment in the
    previous year but were not successful when the results were released in February. The course starts in April.
  • APC Professional Course: This course is designed for first time APC candidates and/or successful ITC
    January candidates. The course also starts in April, the same time as the APC Repeaters Course

3.4. Why does the APC Professional Programme not cater for candidates that will be sitting forthe June ITC

A: This is because this will require a candidate to be concurrently enrolled into the ITC Preparatory Course and
APC Professional Programme. We believe that our programmes demand a strong level of engagement and
therefore it would be very difficult for one to fully commit to both programmes. This is especially the case given
the ITC assessment has a strong focus on technical skills with a limited focus on professional skills, whereas the
APC assessment has a strong focus on professional skills and less focus is placed on technical skills – this
dichotomy makes dealing with the two programmes concurrently quite challenging, if not impossible.

The preparation of the ITC assessment and the APC Professional Programme will overlap, further making it
difficult for one to fully commit to both programmes. We further believe that sufficient attention should be
given to the ITC assessment to ensure that appropriate technical skills are gained that would be beneficial in
the APC Professional Programme.
An additional consideration is that majority of the candidates that might find themselves in this position might
be working, which adds to pressures given the limited time that one may have due to the demands of a fulltime employment.

3.5. Do we offer script review for the APC December 2023 assessment?

A: Yes, we do offer script review for the APC December 2023 assessment. For more details about the pricing,
the process of submitting your script and what you can expect from a script review process, please refer to the

3.6. I have not decided if I would like to be a candidate with Endunamoo; is there any way that I can view
the videos prior to finalising my decision?

A: Yes, you are welcome to refer to our APC Workshop videos that are available on our YouTube channel. It will
show our approach and you can get a feel how an online programme is facilitated.

 3.7. Are there any other offerings that I can register for without enrolling into any of EPC’s full programmes?

A: Yes, we have offerings that are available to candidates without having enrolled into any of our courses.
However, it is important to note that none of those offerings will lead to an issue of a certificate of eligibility.
These offerings are as follows:

  • EPC Case Study Package: We also offer an opportunity for candidates to sit for all three (3) of our full case
    study assessments. As part of the case study sitting, candidates are eligible to sit for the case study on the
    same basis that our registered candidates will be sitting for the case study (e.g., on a venue or non-venue
    basis). After the sitting, we mark the scripts and we provide personalised advice on what the candidate did
    well, what they did not do well on, as well as any advice going forward. This is done on a task-by-task basis.
    Detailed guidance on the assessment process is provided upon registration.
  • CIMA2CA Preparatory Course: This is a CTA Bootcamp course specifically and exclusively designed for
    CIMA professionals who are looking to bridge any technical knowledge gap and develop technical
    proficiency relating to ACC, AUD, MAF & TAX prior to joining an APC Professional Programme. The course
    is open to CIMA professionals as well as candidates that are looking to complete their CIMA examinations
    and secure their qualification in the next 12 months.

3.8. I want to register into the professional programme but I see that I missed an entire phase, e.g. I am a
CIMA professional who missed the Transition Phase and would like to get access to this or I am
registering in March but would like to access the Foundation Phase. Is this possible?

A: Yes, this is possible. You can choose to purchase previous phases of the professional programme and add
them to your own profile. For instance, if you a CIMA professional registering in January but wish to access the
Transition Phase, you will register for the APC Comprehensive Course and thereafter add to your registration
the Transition Phase offering. In making a decision to register for a course with content already covered, one
needs to be mindful that they will need to make time to cover the content in the previous phase while working
through the commitments in the current phase. However, the professional team is available to provide
guidance and assistance in that regard.

APC Professional Programme 2024: APC Script Review

4.1. What is the objective of the script review exercise?

A: The objective of the script review exercise is to highlight areas where you fell short, areas of strength and
offer practical guidance going forward. In undertaking the exercise, we use the EPC 9-point Competency
Framework to highlight your shortfalls, strengths and offer guidance based on the following areas:

  • Business acumen: Your ability to demonstrate an understanding of the value drivers in the industry and
    company covered in the case study. This would be highlighted by your ability to identify external factors
    and internal factors that affect the strategy and sustainability of the company.
  • Technical competence: Your ability to demonstrate a strong level of technical knowledge and application
    thereof in the context of the given tasks.
  • Critical thinking: Your ability to evaluate information, challenge assumptions for relevance, accuracy and
    omissions, synthesise information and make decisions using the given information.
  • Communication skills: Your ability to communicate effectively, taking due consideration to the given
    audience and quality of your communication (free from material grammatical and spelling errors).
  • Pre-research skills: Your ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of your research, without necessarily
    dumping irrelevant information when responding to given tasks.
  • Adaption skills: Your ability to adapt to changes introduced in the day and therefore a demonstration of
    presence and ability to apply yourself when new information is introduced.
  • Approach: Your ability to present your response in a logical manner and ensure that you address all
    components of the given task.
  • Ethical leadership skills: Your ability to identify ethical dilemmas or ethical concerns, and approach them
    in a considered manner.
  • Time management skills: Your ability to manage your time and evidence of appropriate time for each
    given task.
    It is important to highlight that the objective of the script review exercise is not to reassess or validate the
    outcome awarded to you by the professional body’s marking team.

4.2. Will I get access to the marking grid and specimen solution as part of the script review process?

A: We are not authorised to publish the marking grid and specimen solution to candidates. Accordingly, we will not be able to share these with candidates.

4.3. Who is part of the script review team?

A: The senior EPC Team will lead a team of reviewers, being our veteran marking teams as well as a set of new markers. In selecting the markers to form part of the review team, consideration has been made to secure a balance of reviewers that were part of the APC December 2023 marking team, new reviewers and our previous review team members.

4.4. What are the timelines for the script review process?

A: SAICA generally commits to release the APC December 2023 scripts to candidates by last Friday in March. Accordingly, the MyUniverse submission platform will be set to open ahead of that time to receive your scripts. The submission platform will remain open until mid-April. For the avoidance of doubt, the last day to submit the APC December 2023 scripts for review is 30 April 2024.

The review team will commence with the review process immediately following the closure of the submission process. We envisage that the review will take no longer than five weeks, with the feedback ready for release to candidates as from end of May 2024.

As from that date, opportunity to engage with the EPC Team on the self-reflection as well as the feedback from the reviewers will commence and run for approximately two to three weeks until the end of June 2024.

4.5. I have received my APC December 2023 script(s) from my professional body, how do I go about submitting this to the EPC Team for review?

A: You will need to login to the Portal and then proceed to My Forms >> EPC icon >> Submit APC Attempt. You
will need your Endunamoo Student ID, Endunamoo KMB Profile ID, Outcomes Letter and the PDF scripts to
submit your script to us.

4.6. I am unable to submit my APC December 2023 scripts to the EPC Team for review. What is the problem and how do I resolve it?

A: It could be one of the following issues that may need to be attended as provided below:

  • You have not completed the Know Me Better form and therefore your details are not prepopulating. To resolve this problem, please complete the Know Me Better form available under My Account >> My Profile.
  • You have previously submitted your script and only one submission is permitted. To resolve this error, please delete any of your previous submission and replace it with the correct information. Please note that this is only possible if the submission is being made prior to the submission deadline.
  • The file format is rejected. You might be attempting to upload a PDF file under the “Outcomes Letter” submission field. Only the following formats are permitted, .jpg, .gif and .png. To resolve, take a screenshot using your phone or PC and save it before uploading into MyUniverse.

4.7. What is the outcomes letter and where do I obtain it from?

A: The outcomes letter is the letter which summarises your outcomes per task as well as on overall basis. This letter is sent to you by your professional body via email. If you do not have one, please request this from your professional body as soon as possible.

4.8. Why does the EPC Team require the outcomes letter?

A: We require the outcomes letter to ensure that we apply an attention directing approach when undertaking the script review. We aim to direct our efforts and attention to areas that you did not do well on and the summary of outcomes per task gives us that overview at a glance without having to reassess the scripts ourselves and therefore investing time in non-value adding activities. Additionally, this is to reaffirm that the objective of the script review exercise is not to reassess or validate the outcome awarded to you by the professional body’s marking team, but to highlight areas where you fell short, areas of strengths and offer practical guidance going forward.

4.9. I have missed the deadline to submit my scripts to the EPC Team, what do I do?

A: Unfortunately, there will not be any further opportunity to submit your scripts for review. We are strict on the deadlines in order to ensure that the reviewers have sufficient time to undertake quality reviews and that feedback is released to you in a timely manner, allowing for proper self-reflection and engagements with the EPC Team on your feedback and self-reflection.

If you miss the deadline for submitting your scripts to the EPC Team, we encourage you to undertake an extensive self-reflection. Once the opportunity for private consultations opens, you should book a slot and use that opportunity to work through your reflection exercise with one of the professional team members.

4.10. The release of the scripts by SAICA / ICAZ / ICAN is delayed, will EPC extend the deadline for the submission of the scripts?

A: Yes, we would be open to reviewing our stipulated timelines in response to the delayed receipt of the scripts from the respective bodies. However, there is no guarantee that we will always have the flexibility to do so.

4.11. How much is the script review and who is entitled to it?

A: The script review is inclusive to candidates registered as part of the APC Repeaters Course while there is a
R750 fee for candidates registered for the EPC Case Study Package.

4.12. Unfortunately, I missed the deadline to submit my APC December 2023 scripts for review. Will I be
receiving a refund?

A: Unfortunately for the APC Repeaters candidates, you will not be refunded because the script review is not
offered at an additional amount to the APC Professional Course. Economically speaking, you will be
downgraded to the APC Professional Course which has the same tuition fee as the APC Repeaters Course.
However, a refund / credit will be processed for candidates registered under the EPC Case study Package who
were unable to submit their script to us in a timely manner.

4.13.I am not happy with the quality of the feedback received. What do I do?

A: You can raise your grievances to the APC Team Leader or Operations Caretaker, in a written format, and they will then escalate the feedback to the EPC Academic Head and/or Managing Director for their attention. The EPC Academic Head or Managing Director will review your grievances and attend to any areas of deficiencies to ensure that the objective of the script review exercise is met, and that exceptional value is delivered to you.

APC Professional Programme 2024: Finance

5.1. After the registration has been processed how do I make the payment?

A: A debit or credit card is recommended for payments so that you do not worry about missing a payment,
otherwise EFT is also accepted to service your payments. For candidates that opt to use debit or credit card the
monthly instalments are collected automatically from the credit, debit or cheque account making it easier and
convenient for you to meet your monthly obligations. You can choose to pay the tuition fee upfront, in which
case, you will receive an early settlement discount or choose to pay a registration fee and regular monthly
payments. With EFT, the banking details will be provided in the confirmation page as well as sent via email.
Once your account is activated, a Pay Now page will also appear on your portal, and you will be able to access
the banking details at your convenience.

5.2. Is the course fee stipulated on the website an all-inclusive fee?

A: Yes, the stipulated tuition fees include access to lectures, assessments (writing, marking and review
sessions), any printing for respective course material (unless otherwise charged separately), online programme,
e-writing resources and administration fees. However, the stipulated fees exclude SAICA exam fees, and
international courier fees.

 5.3. I was previously registered with Endunamoo CTA Support Course and/or ITC Preparatory Course, do I
still pay the same fees as everyone else when I register into the APC Professional Programme?

A: Yes, all newly registering candidates are required to pay the tuition fees on our website. However, should a
candidate have any credit from any of our previous programmes, the candidate can use that credit as an offset
against the EPC tuition fees account.

5.4. I was previously registered with another APC Professional Programme Provider; do I still pay the same
fees as everyone else when I register into the APC Professional Programme?

A: Yes, you will be treated as a newly registering candidate and all newly registering candidates are required to
pay the tuition fees stipulated on our website. This is the case even if you were previously registered with EPC
in the year preceding the previous one (i.e., if you were registered with EPC in 2020, 2021 or 2022 but were not
registered with EPC in 2023, you will be treated as a new candidate in the 2024 academic year unless you were
not able to sit for the APC assessment in the 2023 academic year). You will need to provide documentary
evidence to support your absence from the respective APC assessment.

5.5. I was previously registered with EPC, do I still pay the same fees as everyone else when I register into
the APC Professional Programme?

A: Candidates that were previously registered with EPC in the preceding year are entitled to a 40% rebate to
the tuition fee paid in the 2023 academic year. You will need to contact finance after registering to receive the
rebate. If you have already paid the full amount (or an amount greater than net tuition fees after taking the
rebate into account), you will need to log a refund request.
If you were registered with EPC in 2020, 2021 or 2022 but were not registered with EPC in 2023, you will be
treated as a new candidate in the 2024 academic year unless you were not able to sit for the APC assessment
in the 2023 academic year. You will need to provide documentary evidence to support your absence from the
respective APC assessment.

5.6. I wish to deregister from the APC Professional Programme, what is the process and what are the cost

A: Should you wish to deregister, you need to login to the portal, navigate to My Account, then to My
Subscriptions and cancel any activate subscription. The status of your subscription will be changed to
‘Cancelled’ / ‘Cancellation Pending’ to indicate that you still have access until the end of the month (i.e. your
cancellation request is processed at the end of your running month). As soon as the month ends, your
registration will be cancelled, and you will no longer be charged the monthly instalments. This is because
subscriptions are collected at the beginning of the month and covers the entire month and therefore, if you
cancel your subscription during the month, you will be allowed to finish your subscription benefits for that
specific month. Thereafter, you will need to log a query via our Query Tool to ensure our finance team closes
your tuition fee account. Please note that your tuition fee account will only be closed provided it is up to date.
If you had paid the full amount, you would still need to log a cancellation as stipulated above. However, you
may be entitled to a refund depending on the time at which you deregister. The refund will be calculated as
A = B – C – (D x M), where
A is the amount refundable to you or due from you, if any.
B is the total amount you paid to date, whether yourself or via the employer
is the sign-up fee applicable to the course
is the monthly subscriptions that would have been applicable had you been on a monthly subscription
M is the number of months that you would have been charged a subscription had you been on a monthly
If your tuition fees were funded by an employer, we may request an official letter on the employer’s letterhead
will be accepted as an appropriate means for withdrawal from the programme.
Once you have processed your cancellation, we request you provide us with a reason for your deregistration
and/or advise if you wish for us to delete your personal information by logging a query via Query Tool. This
process is also to ensure our finance team closes your tuition fee account. Please note that your tuition fee
account will only be closed provided it is up to date. If a refund is due to you, you may also use the Query Tool
to lodge a refund request.

5.7. If I deregister in the week or month that I have just enrolled to the programme, will the deregistration
policy outlined above be applicable or are there special considerations?

A: Unfortunately, the same deregistration policy will be applicable to you provided in its entirety. However, you
may be liable for only the sign-up fee given that this generally covers the first month’s tuition fee. This applies
provided you were granted access after your registration, e.g. because you had paid using the debit / credit card
facility, made an EFT payment and your account was duly activated, or the employer paid on your behalf and
your account was duly activated. Unfortunately, no exception is made to this provision given that there are
resources dedicated to providing you with access to our online portal.

5.8. After taking into account the cost implications of the deregistration, there is a refund amount due to
me. What is the process of getting those funds back and what is the waiting period

A: If there is a refund amount due to you, you will need to request a refund via the Query Tool which is available
on the Portal >> My Forms >> EPC icon >> Log an EPC Query . Please note all refund requests are processed by
the 7th of the following month the request was logged. E.g. If you log a refund request on 15 June, it will be
processed by 7 July.
An admin charge of R150 is applicable for the processing of all refund requests unless otherwise stipulated. The
admin charge is not applicable for other refunds, e.g. Thuthuka refunds, refunds after employers have settled
after you having settled the account, etc. (excluding overpayments)

5.9. I wish to defer my studies. What is the process and what are the cost implications?

A: If you wish to defer your studies, you will need to log a query via Query Tool. The option to defer your studies
is only applicable prior to the commencement of the APC Assessment Phase of our APC Professional
Programme. Any request to defer your studies after the commencement of the APC Assessment Phase will be
treated as a deregistration and the guidance stipulated above will apply.
Your tuition fee account needs to be fully settled for us to process your deferral request. A non-refundable
deferral fee of R5 000 per annum will be charged against your account when your deferral is processed, and this
fee is payable before the commencement of the APC Assessment Phase.
The deferral is valid only for two years, in this case for full academic year in either the 2025 or 2026 professional
It is not possible to defer your registration into the EPC Case Study Package.

5.10. I wish to defer my studies from the 2024 academic year to the 2025 academic year. What is the cut-off

A: You are only eligible to defer your studies prior to the assessment phase of the professional programme. As
soon as the assessment phase kicks off, no requests for deferring your studies will be processed. At that point,
only requests for deregistration will be processed and no refunds will be applicable.

5.11. My request for deferring my studies has been successfully processed. Will my account be deactivated?

A: No, your account will remain active, and you will be entitled to access all phases of the professional
programme, including the CTA videos, other than the assessment phase. We do this to ensure that you
continue to receive important updates such as registration timelines. If you wish to have your profile
deactivated and personally manage the updates regarding programme timelines, you can send a request to the
online team to remove your details from the portal until the time you resume your studies.

5.12. I wish to defer my studies from the 2024 academic year but I am uncertain as to when I will be able to
resume the professional programme. For how long will the credit in my tuition account be valid?

A: Your credit is only valid for two academic years following the year in which you opted to defer your studies.
This means that if you defer your studies in the 2024 academic year, you will be required to register in either
the 2025 or 2026 academic year for yourtuition fee credit to be credited in full. We may grant you a grace period
if you are not able to register for the 2025 or 2026 professional programme if you can demonstrate that due to
ill health or mental unwellness you were not able to resume your studies in those academic years. An opinion
from a medical expert will be required as supporting evidence for such fact.

5.13. I deferred my studies in the 2023 academic year and wish to resume the professional programme in the
2024 academic year, how do I go about doing that?

A: You will be required to make a new registration into the same professional course you were previously
registered for, e.g. if you were previously registered for the APC Comprehensive Course, you will be required to
register for the APC Comprehensive Course. Upon registration, you will need to apply the discount voucher
assigned to you – it will automatically appear in the Checkout page and all you need to do is click it to reduce
your invoice to Rnil.

5.14. I deferred my studies in the 2023 academic year whilst registered for the APC Professional Course and
now wish to register for the APC Comprehensive Course, how do I go about doing that?

A: The discount voucher issued to you will not apply when registering for the APC Comprehensive Course. You
will need to request a new discount voucher that will allow you to register for a different programme. However,
the discount voucher issued to you will be equivalent to the prevailing tuition fee for the course that you were
previously enrolled in and the difference will be for your own account. By way of an example, if the APC
Professional Course is priced at R16 000 and the APC Comprehensive Course is priced at R17 500, you will be
issued with a new discount voucher for the amount of R15 500 and the difference between R17 500 and R15 500
will be for your own account. If however, the course that you wish to now enrol for has a lower tuition fee than
the one you are eligible to register for, no refund or credit will be due to you in recognition of any benefit that
would have accrued to you in the year you deferred your studies.

5.15. I had opted to defer but for valid reasons I can no longer continue with my studies, is it possible to have
my credit transferred to another candidate?

A: Under exceptional circumstances, we may consider a request from you to transfer your credit to another
candidate. However, the credit may be adjusted downwards to reflect the value already delivered to you
through access to the portal, deliveries of material made, etc. Accordingly, it is possible that there might not
be any credit to transfer to another candidate.

5.16.I previously deregistered from EPC while my account was not up to date. I wish to register in the current
academic year and wish to take advantage of the 40% discount applicable to returning candidates. Will
this be possible

A: Unfortunately, no. You will be required to first settle your outstanding balance (including any penalties and
administration charges for missing payments due) prior to being entitled to the 40% discount. In some
instances, it might be cost effective to register as a newly registered candidate instead of bringing your account
up to date, in which case, we will write off your previous outstanding amount.

5.1.7 How do I have my account activated if my employer is paying?

A: We have provided an efficient way to advise your employer that you are registered with us for the EPC. You
will need to firstly complete the registration process to obtain the invoice. Thereafter, you will need to send an
email to having attached the invoice and copy your administrator [being the
person who is responsible for payments (to allow our team to follow up)] requesting them to confirm that the
firm will be paying on your behalf. Once the administrator has confirmed, you will then be granted access to
our portal and any resources required for your studies. If your firm is dealing with us for the first time, we may
require additional information or request that a deposit be made prior to granting you access.

5.18. My employer is paying the EPC fees on my behalf; do I need to pay the non-refundable registration fee?

A: The payment of the registration fee is waived if you provide a written confirmation of the employer’s
commitment to settle the fees due to EPC. However, the account remains your responsibility if the employer
does not settle the account in full.
A written confirmation is however not required for KPMG & EY candidates. KPMG & EY candidates simply need
to send an email to requesting their account to be activated providing the details
of their administrator. Once received, your account will then be activated, granting you access to our portal and
any resources required for your studies.
Depending on the arrangement with your employer, you may be charged a holding fee of R2 500 or the full
registration fee after having received written confirmation from the employer. If the employer settles the
account after you have paid the registration fee or the holding fee, the credit due to you will be refunded to you
in accordance with our refund policy.

5.19. What happens in case my employer delays confirming that they will pay for my fees.

A: Corporate invoices will be issued by 31 May 2024 after the registration has closed and will be payable by 30
June 2024 to ensure that the discount is not forfeited. Corporate invoices that are not settled by 30 June 2024
will result in the obligation to pay the registration fee and instalment due on the candidates. The candidate will
be obliged for the full tuition fee applicable to individual / private paying candidates, i.e. any discount granted
will fall away.

5.20. How long does it take to have my account activated?

A: Your account is activated as soon as your credit, debit or cheque card is charged with the sign-up fee. For
employer arrangements, your account will be activated within 48 hours after receiving confirmation that the
employer will pay your tuition fees. No activations are processed over the weekend and/or public holidays
unless it is the first or second class of the respective professional course.

.5.21. What will happen if my account is in arrears, i.e., I am behind with my payments as per the stipulated
payment plans?

A: Unfortunately, if PayFast is unable to collect the monthly subscription or you have not made any EFT
payment to ensure your account is up to date, your access to the portal will be immediately suspended. This
means that you may not be able to procure the resources required to sit for the case study assessments, which
may impact your ability to secure the certificate of eligibility at the end of the programme. If the account
remains in arrears at the end of the course, we may withhold your results and therefore be in a position where
we may not be able to submit your overall outcome to SAICA / ICAZ by the stipulated deadlines to ensure that
you are eligible to sit for the APC assessment in December 2024. It is therefore important to engage our team
to ensure that the account is kept up to date.

5.22. My account has been charged with administration or penalty charges. Why is that the case?

A: We charge administration and penalty fees where a candidate has made errors in processing their payments
or delayed in making payments. The administration charges are: (1) R150 for use of incorrect reference number
or banking account and (2) R200 if the monthly instalments are not paid within 7 days after the instalment is
due. These other charges compensate the finance administration team for the additional time committed into
identifying and allocating your payment as well as managing the budget and/or liquidity of the organisation.
No exemption is provided against such instances.


7.1. When will registration into the ITC Preparatory Course 2024 open and close?

A: Registration opens on 17 July 2023 and will run until 15 December 2023. All registrations are made online via our website, No late registrations (i.e., after 15 December 2023) will be accepted.

7.2. How is the ITC Preparatory Course 2024 structured?

A: The ITC Preparatory Course 2024 will be delivered on a blended learning basis (i.e. face to face and online basis). The course includes extensive 14 full day live sessions, script review offering, tutorial programme, preparatory assessment, extensive engagement with the lecturing team as well as wellness support initiatives. During the live sessions, the lecturer will focus on ITC specific content, including guidance on integration and demonstration of critical thinking under examination. The course will include pre-recorded technical guidance videos and notes which will be available in each of the last three months of the ITC Preparatory Course 2024 (one at the beginning of November 2023, December 2023 and January 2024).

7.3. What does the script review process entail?

A: During the script review process, our professional team reviews your attempts against the official marking grid and solution and provides extensive comments on what you did well, what you did not do well and advice going forward. The review is focused on your technical skills, examination technique (presentation and layout) and professional skills (critical thinking and communication skills). A minimum of four feedback reports are issued with each focused on the four major disciplines (ACC, AUD, MAF & TAX).

7.4. What does the tutorial programme entail?

A: At the beginning of November 2023, four tutorial assessments are issued each with marks no more than 50 marks. The tutorials cover each of the four major disciplines (ACC, AUD, MAF & TAX). You will have approximately three weeks to attempt the tutorials (at home, i.e. not under examination conditions) and submit these to our professional team for marking. The deadlines are stipulated in the published timetable and the submission process is advised in the welcome letter.

During the marking of the tutorials, our professional team reviews your attempts against the suggested solution and provides extensive comments on what you did well, what you did not do well and advice going forward. The review is focused on your technical skills, examination technique (presentation and layout) and professional skills (critical thinking and communication skills). A total of four feedback reports are issued with each focused on the four major disciplines (ACC, AUD, MAF & TAX).

7.5. How does the preparatory examination work?

A: Closer to the end of the programme, i.e. at the beginning of January 2024, you will be subjected to an ITC simulated assessment. The preparatory assessment is an integrated assessment, which is out of 400 marks and is written over four sessions, at 08h30 – 11h30 and 12h30 – 15h30, on two consecutive days. For this ITC Preparatory Course, the preparatory assessment is scheduled to occur on Saturday, 6 January 2024 and Sunday, 7 January 2024. The preparatory assessments are written under examination conditions and are thereafter submitted to our professional team for marking. The assessment facilitation process is advised during the course of the programme.

During the marking of the preparatory examination, our professional team reviews your attempts against the suggested solution and provides extensive comments on what you did well, what you did not do well and advice going forward. The review is focused on your technical skills, examination technique (presentation and layout) and professional skills (critical thinking and communication skills).

7.6. What do the technical guidance videos and notes entail?

A: The ITC technical guidance videos and notes provide a structured approach to working through the technical aspects of the programme. The guidance is provided at the beginning of the last three months of the programme and include guidance on the technical content to study in November 2023,December 2023 and January 2024 respectively. In addition, the guidance includes a list of recommended questions for each of the four primary disciplines to attempt in each of those months.

7.7. What is included in the ITC Question Banks?

A: The ITC Question Banks include five sets of question banks, covering the four major disciplines plus one set which covers highly integrated questions. Each question bank comprises a minimum of 12 questions and no more than 20 questions. The questions are sourced from previous ITC assessments, previous CTA assessments as well as previous ITC preparatory assessments. The questions are diverse in nature covering discursive questions, calculations, presentation and journal entries to help you adequately prepare for the different style of questions that we have seen in the ITC assessment. The question bank is only provided on a printed version basis and soft copies are not shared with candidates as part of our objective to protect our intellectual property. You are therefore under ethical and legal obligation not to share these question banks with anyone not registered as part of the ITC Preparatory Course.


8.1. Does the programme include non-technical support to help one build their confidence and keep their wellbeing in check?

A: Yes, as part of our wellness initiatives, the programme includes Candidate Conversations. In the Candidate Conversations sessions, we engage with one of our previous candidates who sat for the recent ITC assessment and the candidate shares their journey and techniques to empower, inspire and motivate you towards your ITC preparations. These sessions are important in helping you to develop and refine your examination approach, all while actuating your drive to an ITC victory. The Candidate Conversations sessions are recorded and posted on our podcast channels. On these platforms, you can access all the previous Candidate Conversations sessions, dating all the way back to their launch in 2020.

We also have an ITC Caretaker dedicated to meeting your wellbeing check. In addition to providing administration support, the ITC Caretaker regularly engages with our candidates to check in on their wellbeing during the course of programme. You are also more than welcome to contact the ITC Caretaker.

We also have a mentorship programme as part of our early registration offering. As part of the mentorship programme, you have the opportunity to partner with a professional who has successfully walked a similar journey to yours and is able to provide guidance and motivational support throughout the programme. The mentorship programme is open until 15 November 2023, given that the availability of our mentors is negatively affected during the last month of the year.

8.2. How does Endunamoo help me to keep up with the programme commitments?

A: At the beginning of each month, as from 1 September 2023, we issue monthly programme notes to outline the activities of that month. The activities are outlined on a weekly basis to help you plan and manage the programme in an efficient manner, thereby helping you commit and handle the programme demands. The programme notes unpacks the activities stipulated in the timetable as well as new developments in the programme. During the beginning of the week, we also send you reminders of the upcoming activities.

8.3. How do I reach out if I need assistance?

A: Our primary query handling platform is MyUniverse Query Tool which is accessible via “My Queries & Bookings”. You can log a query to our team of caretakers and have your finance, delivery, mentorship, online, assessment and/or general query responded to within 72 hours (working days). You can also log compliments, suggestions and complaints on the query page.

You can also reach your ITC Candidate and Online Caretaker via Telegram. Our professional team is available only via Telegram. In the Telegram group, you can have all your technical queries responded to and engage directly with your lecturers. Our ITC Candidate Caretakers are generally available for a limited time over the weekend, and you are therefore encouraged to engage with them during the official business hours, which is from 09h00 to 17h00 (Monday to Friday). Otherwise, they may be available over the weekend only on Saturdays from 07h00 – 12h00.

You can also reach the ITC Programme Head via email and Telegram to provide any suggestions, compliments or escalate complaints to him.

8.4. I would like to better understand the programme structure, will there be an Open Day session?

A: Yes, we will be hosting an Open Day session on Thursday, 26 October 2023 from 18h00 until 20h00. In order to join in, please register your details via this link here. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the session. If you are unable to attend, we urge you to watch the recorded session to have a full understanding of the programme. The video will be accessible via our ITC page: on Friday, 27 October 2023; otherwise, if you are a registered candidate, it will also be available on MyUniverse.

8.5. How much does the programme cost?

The applicable pricing for ITC Preparatory Course 2024 is provided below:

  RSA candidates & International candidates, ex Zimbabwe Zimbabwe candidates (excluding SA TAX offering)
ITC Preparatory Course

6 months access as from 1 August 2023

5 months access as from 1 September 2023

4 months access as from 1 October 2023

3 months access as from 1 November 2023

2 months access as from 1 December 2023


R8 500

R7 500

R6 500

R5 500

R5 000


R8 000

R7 000

R6 000

R5 000

R4 500

Discount for returning candidates (when you are repeating ITC and were previously registered with Endunamoo for the most recent ITC sitting. You will need to log a finance query via MyUniverse Query Tool >> “My Queries & Bookings” and a voucher will be sent to you) 20%
ITC Question Banks only (ACC, AUD, MAF, TAX & Integrated Question Banks) (includes courier to an RSA address) R1 950
ITC Script review (for ITC June 2023 only. This is subject to the professional bodies making the scripts available ahead of time) R750 for candidate currently registered into the ITC Programme. A fee of R650 applies to ICAZ candidates

R1 500 for candidates not registered into the ITC Programme. A fee of R1 300 applies to ICAZ candidates

International courier fee
  • All international couriers are subject to a fee of R1 650.
  • This amount is payable in advance to cover the cost of shipping.
  • Endunamoo will subsidise any excess amount above the R1 650.
  • In addition, Endunamoo will also include a branded Hoodie as part of the delivery.
Payment terms and conditions
  • A R2 500 deposit is required upon registration and thereafter monthly instalments are determined based on your enrolment date
  • A valid credit or cheque is required to register on an individual / private account and instalments are deducted directly using PayFast directly from the credit or cheque account
  • Full payment is required for the ITC Script Review and/or Question Bank only offerings.

8.6. After the registration has been processed how do I make the payment?

A: As from the 2024 academic year, only credit, debit or cheque card facilitated payments will be accepted. We have full adopted PayFast payment gateway and we use it to charge the registration fee (referred to as a sign-up fee) and the monthly instalments (also referred to as subscriptions). The monthly instalments are collected automatically from your credit, debit or cheque account making it easier and convenient for you to meet your monthly obligations. You can choose to pay the entire tuition fee upfront, in which case, you will receive an early settlement discount or choose to pay a registration fee and regular monthly payments.

8.7. How do I have my account activated if my employer is paying?

A: We have provided an efficient way to advise your employer that you are registered with us for the ITC Preparatory Course. You will need to log into MyUniverse and navigate to My Queries & Bookings, log a finance query for Employer Arrangement. In lodging the query, you will need to fill in the details of the person at your employer with the authority to approve payments for your tuition fees, the person who is responsible for payments (to allow our team to follow up), their email addresses and an invoice will be automatically generated and sent to your employer’s administrators requesting them to approve the invoice. Once the invoice has been approved, you will be issued with a discount voucher to allow you to register without a valid credit, debit or cheque card. This means you will need to manually register on our system to commence your studies with us.

8.8. My employer is paying the ITC fees on my behalf; do I need to pay the non-refundable registration fee?

A: The payment of the registration fee is waived if you provide a written confirmation of the employer’s commitment to settle the fees due to Endunamoo Board Course. However, the account remains your responsibility if the employer does not settle the account in full.

A written confirmation is however not required for KPMG candidates. KPMG candidates simply need to log a query requesting a registration discount voucher and this will be emailed to them with instructions on how to register for their desired course without a valid credit, debit or cheque card.

Depending on the arrangement with your employer, you may be charged a holding fee of R2 500 or the full registration fee after having received written confirmation from the employer. If the employer settles the account after you have paid the registration fee or the holding fee, the credit due to you will be refunded to you in accordance with our refund policy.

8.9. What happens in case my employer delays confirming that they will pay for my fees?

A: Corporate invoices that are not settled by 12 January 2024 will result in the obligation to pay the registration fee and instalment due on the candidates. You will be obliged for the full tuition fee applicable to individual / private paying candidates.

8.10. How long does it take to have my account activated?

A: Your account is activated as soon as your credit, debit or cheque card is charged with the sign-up fee. For employer arrangements, your account will be activated within 48 hours after receiving confirmation that the employer will pay your tuition fees. No activations are processed over the weekend and/or public holidays.

8.11. What will happen if my account is in arrears, i.e., I am behind with my payments as per the stipulated payment plans?

A: Unfortunately, if PayFast is unable to collect the monthly subscription, your access to ITC Preparatory Course will be immediately suspended. Attempts to collect your monthly subscriptions will be made against your selected payment method until the 15th day of the month. After which, your registration will be terminated and you will be required to make a new registration, provided the registration window is still open.

8.12. My account has been charged with administration or penalty charges. Why is that the case?

A: We charge administration and penalty fees where a candidate has made errors in processing their payments or delayed in making payments. The administration charges are: (1) R150 for use of incorrect reference number or banking account and (2) R200 if the monthly instalments are not paid within 7 days after the instalment is due. These other charges compensates the finance administration team for the additional time committed into identifying and allocating your payment as well as managing the budget and/or liquidity of the organisation. No exemption is provided against such instances.

8.13. I wish to deregister from the ITC Preparatory Programme, what is the process and what are the cost implications?

A: Given that we now run a subscription based payment system, should you wish to deregister all you need to do is to login to MyUniverse >> My Account >> My Subscriptions and then select your current course enrolment and click ‘Cancel’. The status of your subscription will be changed to ‘Cancellation Pending’ to indicate that you still have access until the end of the month (i.e. your cancellation request is processed at the end of your running month). As soon as the month ends, your registration will be cancelled and you will no longer be charged the monthly instalments. This is because subscriptions are collected at the beginning of the month and covers the entire month and therefore, if you cancel your subscription during the month, you will be allowed to finish your subscription benefits for that specific month.

If you had paid the full amount, you will still need to log a cancellation as stipulated above. However, you may be entitled to a refund depending on the time at which you deregister. The refund will be calculated as follows:

A = B – C – (D x M), where

A is the amount refundable to you, if any.

B is the total amount you paid to date, whether yourself or via the employer

C is the sign-up fee applicable to the course

D is the monthly subscriptions that would have been applicable had you been on a monthly subscription

M is the number of months that you would have charged a subscription had you been on a monthly subscription

If a candidates’ tuition fees are funded by an employer, only an official letter on the employer’s letterhead will be accepted as an appropriate means for withdrawal from the programme.

Once you have processed your cancellation, we request you provide us with a reason for your deregistration and/or advise if you wish for us to delete your personal information by logging a query via MyUniverse Query Tool under My Queries & Bookings. If a refund is due to you, you may also the query form to lodge a refund request.

8.14. If I deregister in the month that I have just enrolled to the programme, will the deregistration policy outlined above be applicable or are there special considerations?

A: Unfortunately, the same deregistration policy will be applicable to you provided in its entirety. However, you may be liable for only the sign-up fee.

8.15. After considering the deregistration cost implications, a refund amount due to me. What is the process of getting those funds back and what is the waiting period?

A: If there is a refund amount due to you, you will need to request a refund via our MyUniverse Query Tool which is available on MyUniverse under My Queries & Bookings section of the menu. Please note all refund requests are processed within 10 working days following their receipt.

An admin charge of R150 is applicable for the processing of all refund requests unless otherwise stipulated. The admin charge is not applicable for other refunds, e.g. Thuthuka refunds, refunds after employers have settled after you having settled the account, etc. (excluding overpayments)

8.16. I wish to defer my studies. What is the process and what are the cost implications?

A: If you wish to defer your studies, you will need to log a query via MyUniverse Query Tool. The option to defer your studies is only applicable prior to 1 January 2024. Any request to defer your studies after that date as a deregistration and the guidance stipulated above will apply.

Your tuition fee account needs to be fully settled for us to process your deferral request. After successfully processing your request to defer your studies, you will be deregistered from the programme and you will need to enrol for ITC Preparatory Course within the next 12 months.

Once your deferral request has been fully processed, you will be issued with a discount voucher with a credit value of R3 000 that will be offset when you re-register for the ITC Preparatory Course. It will be offset as R2 500 (registration / sign-up fee) and R500 on the first instalment thereafter. The discount voucher is not transferable or exchangeable for cash at a later date. The voucher is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue.

8.17. My request for deferring my studies has been successfully processed. Will MyUniverse account be deactivated?

A: Yes, your account will be deactivated as soon as the request for deferral is approved. We do this in order to ensure that you continue to receive important updates such as registration timelines. If you wish to have your profile deactivated and personally manage the updates regarding programme timelines, you can send a request to the online team to remove your details from MyUniverse until the time you resume your studies.

8.18. What study material do I get after my account has been activated?

A: Your registration into the ITC Preparatory Course 2024 entitles you to CTA On-Demand Lecture notes, including lecture example solutions (where applicable) (soft copy), 2) Question banks comprising of four disciplines and one integrated question bank (printed version only), and 3) Discussion material for the live classes (soft copy).

Once your account has been activated, you will be able to access CTA On-Demand Lecture notes immediately under My Courses. Question banks will be dispatched or be ready for collection on the date indicated on the timetable. Any other discussion material will be released during the course of the programme and will be made available under MyUniverse >> My Courses >> Access My Material.

8.19. How do I confirm the address to which the question bank needs to be delivered?

A: You will need to complete the Know Me Better form available under My Account >> Complete Candidate Profile to confirm your delivery address or preferred delivery method. As soon as you have completed the Know Me Better form, your material will be available for collection in 48 hours and will be dispatched in 72 hours. If you have not completed the Know Me Better form within 2 weeks after joining the programme, daily reminders will be sent to you to request confirmation of address. No credit will be given should you fail to complete the delivery details and the delivery team is not able to deliver the question banks to you.

8.20. After my account has been activated, how do I find my way around?

A: Once your account is activated, you will need to login to MyUniverse, and you will see an expanded menu. You will then need to navigate to My Welcome Pack and download the ITC Welcome Letter. The welcome letter contains key administration information that will be helpful throughout the course including the contacts of your ITC Candidate Caretaker.

8.21. When will the ITC classes commence?

A: The ITC Preparatory Course 2024 will kick off with a first of its kind ITC Workshop covering the ITC June 2023 assessment. A detailed timetable is available on our MyUniverse under My Timetable or the main website under

8.22. I am repeating ITC and was previously registered with Endunamoo Board Course, can I continue using the course material I received before?

A: No, the previous course material will not be applicable for the ITC2024. Your registration into the ITC Preparatory Course 2024 entitles you to updated course material which includes a set of printed question banks, comprising of four disciplined focused question banks, one integrated question bank and access to CTA On-Demand lecture notes and videos.

8.23. I would like for the team to review my ITC January 2023 scripts or scripts from an earlier attempt. Is that possible?

A: Unfortunately, it is not possible. The script review applies only to the most recent ITC assessment, i.e., ITC June 2023.

8.24. I am still waiting for my CTA results but would like to register for Preparatory Course so that I do not fall behind. How much do I have to pay to reserve my spot?

A: You will be required to pay the minimum non-refundable registration fee of R2 500 to reserve your spot. Once paid, you will be eligible to attend all the scheduled live sessions, be entitled to have your question banks delivered and access all the content available via MyUniverse until your CTA institution releases your results. You will be temporarily registered into ITC Preparatory Course for 30 days and be liable for all payments during that time.

8.25. When am I expected to confirm the outcome of my CTA results and what are the implications?

A: After 72 hours following the release of the CTA results by your institution, you will need to deregister from the ITC Preparatory Course provided the CTA results outcome is not positive (i.e. you failed CTA or you secured a supplementary examination opportunity). You will need to log a finance query via MyUniverse Query Tool and attach the results and CTA examination timetable as documentary evidence. If you have already paid any monthly subscriptions in addition to the sign-up fee, you may be eligible for a refund for those subscription amounts provided that you registered for the ITC Preparatory Course after the end of your CTA examinations.

8.26. How do I request a refund and when can I expect to receive my refund?

A: There is a refund request tool available on MyUniverse >> My Queries & Bookings >> Finance Query. You will be expected to provide your banking details and the amount request as a refund. The request will be sent to our finance team, and it will take no more than 14 working days to process and finalise your request refund. Once your refund request is approved, you will receive an email confirmation and you can expect the funds in your banking account within 48 hours following the email confirming the approval of your refund request. In making a refund request, please be mindful that an administration fee might be applicable.